Bolas de terapia chinesas – oco com carrilhão

Chinese Therapy Balls – Hollow Silver with Chimes

Uses: Flexibility, Limberness, Stress Relief

Chinese Therapy Balls, also commonly known as Baoding Balls, Chinese Exercise Balls, Chinese Therapy Balls, Chinese Stress Balls, and Chinese Health Balls originated in Baoding, China. a small town in the Heibei province, during the Ming Dynasty. They are great for musicians, computer users, athletes, magicians, gamers, surgeons and anybody else who uses their hands extensively. The Chinese Thearapy Balls are designed to help relieve stress while building finger dexterity and wrist and forearm strength.

Baoding balls are usually hollow and made from chrome-plated steel, with most containing a chime. People sometimes call these chime balls or harmony balls. You will find that Baoding Balls can come with many designs crafted onto them. The cloisonne balls usually have hand made designs which depict symbols or characters related to harmony, health, and other positive forces.

Baoding balls are usually used for exercise and meditation, but are also good when employed for medical reasons. To use them for exercise, place two Baoding balls within your palm then rotate them clockwise and counterclockwise. Gravity will help you keep on controlling the balls. There are many exercises possible. One is trying to not to let the balls touch one another during manipulation, as advanced users do. Such users of Baoding balls can frequently use more than two balls at one time. Manipulating the balls in your hand not only exercises hand muscles, but forearm and shoulder muscles as well.

Alternative Medicine advocates believe that the balls are beneficial for medical reasons when they touch pressure points or acupuncture points found all over the hand. A practitioner of western medicine would find it hard to believe that such balls have health benefits, but it helps to realize that practitioners of Chinese medicine believe that all bodily systems are linked to one another. Chinese medicine advocates believe one should not just treat symptoms but rather should examine the root cause of the symptoms. In connection, Baoding balls could be prescribed by a Chinese doctor with a patient whose internal energy or Qi has stagnated and thus, caused the problems for the patient.

The balls follow certain principles involving touching the meridians (just like in acupuncture or shiatsu massage). The meridians (known as Jingluo in Chinese traditional medical theory) act as channels or pathways via which Qi (vital energy within each person) moves throughout the body. These Jingluo meridians also feature the acupuncture points. Hence, touching each meridian will produce health benefits. Your ten fingers are interconnected with the human cranial nerve, as well as important human organs such as the intestines, stomach, gallbladder, kidneys, lungs, spleen, liver and heart. Thus, when the meridians are stimulated, there is improved circulation of vital energy and blood in our bodies.

Chinese practitioners claim that muscles remain nimble, bones are strengthened and the mind kept sober through prolonged usage of the health balls. Other benefits are blood circulates more freely, and different chronic diseases such as hypertension are kept from developing. In time (in terms of many years of practicing Baoding balls use) the brain becomes healthier and you will notice that your intelligence and memory improves. Furthermore, fatigue goes away, your worries disappear, stress is reduced, and in the end your life is extended.

Choosing a size: start with the size that’s most comfortable for you.

Aumente o tamanho para aumentar a flexibilidade e a amplitude de movimento das mãos. Diminua o tamanho para aumentar a coordenação. Nota do terapeuta: Se usar para melhorar a amplitude de movimento após uma lesão, use vários tamanhos para conseguir a melhoria. Para melhorar a extensão, use bolas maiores. Para melhorar a flexão, use bolas menores. Bolas sólidas podem facilitar um padrão de movimento mais natural para aqueles com flexão limitada. Eles também adicionam peso, o que pode aumentar a força.

Saiba mais:

História: as bolas de ferro chinesas são há muito conhecidas como um dos “três tesouros” de Baoding, na China. Primeiro produzidas durante a Dinastia Ming (1368-1644), as bolas de ferro têm sido aprimoradas com frequência por habilidosos artesãos chineses. Originalmente, essas bolas eram objetos cilíndricos sólidos e simples. Mais tarde, os artesãos começaram a projetar bolas ocas e inserir placas de sondagem que produzem alta e tons baixos quando usadas. Essas bolas mais leves são mais fáceis de manusear e os tons musicais contribuem para o processo de relaxamento resultante do exercício com elas.

Instruções: As bolas são colocadas na mão e giradas em um sentido horário ou anti-horário. Este exercício manterá todos os pontos nas mãos em movimento constante. Com os músculos dos dedos e antebraços se contraindo e relaxando harmoniosamente. Os iniciantes devem selecionar bolas de tamanho menor e, com o tempo, aumentar veja o tamanho da bola à medida que sua proficiência melhora. Em última análise, pode-se exercitar as duas mãos alternada ou simultaneamente e pode até escolher usar três ou quatro bolas em uma mão.

Manutenção: As bolas são feitas de metal e, portanto, devem ser mantidas secas e limpas. Embora as bolas sejam fortes e duráveis, os proprietários devem evitar bater violentamente uma contra a outra e contra outros objetos sólidos e superfícies. Se alguém planeja não usá-las por um longo período de tempo, é aconselhável revestir as bolas com cera ou graxa para manutenção e preservação.

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