Quiz: Is mijn plas normaal? Test uw urinekennis

xmlns: xalan = “https://xml.apache.org/xalan”> BEELD GELEVERD DOOR:

xmlns: xalan = “https://xml.apache.org/xalan”> VStock / Thinkstock

xmlns: xalan = “https://xml.apache.org/xalan”>

xmlns: xalan = “https://xml.apache.org/xalan “> BRONNEN:

xmlns: xalan =” https://xml.apache.org/xalan “> American Academy of Family Physicians:” Urinary Tract Infections – Behandeling en Urineweginfecties: andere oorzaken van pijnlijk urineren .

xmlns: xalan = “https://xml.apache.org/xalan”> American Diabetes Association: “Symptoms.”

xmlns: xalan = “https://xml.apache.org/xalan”> American Urological Association Foundation: “Problems Urinating in Public (Paruresis)” en “Urinary Tract Infections bij Adults.”

xmlns: xalan = “https://xml.apache.org/xalan”> Barbosa-Cesnik, C. Clinical Infectious Diseases, januari 2011.

xmlns: xalan = “https://xml.apache.org/xalan “> Blaas- en darmfundering:” Frequentie. ”

xmlns: xalan = “https://xml.apache.org/xalan”> Harvard Health Publications: “Kleur- en geurveranderingen in urine zijn meestal – maar niet altijd – onschadelijk, meldt Harvard Womens Health Kijk maar.”

xmlns: xalan = “https://xml.apache.org/xalan”> Harvard Womens Health Watch: “Urine Color and Odour Changes.”

xmlns: xalan = “https://xml.apache.org/xalan”> Healthwise: “Kidney Stones”, “Marine Stings and Scrapes – Home Treatment.”

xmlns: xalan = “https://xml.apache.org/xalan”> Jura, Y. The Journal of Urology, online gepubliceerd op 18 maart 2011.

xmlns: xalan = “https://xml.apache.org/xalan”> National Association for Continence: “Diet and Daily Habits.”

xmlns: xalan = “https://xml.apache.org/xalan”> National Kidney & Informatiecentrum voor urologische ziekten: “Urineweginfecties bij volwassenen ; ” “Interstitiële cystitis / pijnlijke blaassyndroom;” en “Urine-incontinentie bij vrouwen”.

xmlns: xalan = “https://xml.apache.org/xalan”> UpToDate: “Nocturia.”

xmlns: xalan = “https://xml.apache.org/xalan”> Soifer, S. Urologic Nursing, maart-april 2009.

xmlns: xalan = “https://xml.apache.org/xalan “> Stanford School of Medicine:” The Significance of Abnormal Urine Color. ”

xmlns: xalan = “https://xml.apache.org/xalan”> Tikkinen, K. The Journal of Urology, februari 2006.

xmlns: xalan = “https://xml.apache.org/xalan “> University of Colorado Hospital:” The Orthotopic Neobladder. ”

xmlns: xalan = “https://xml.apache.org/xalan”> Universiteit van Illinois in Urbana-Champaign McKinley Health Center: “Urineweginfecties bij vrouwen.”

xmlns: xalan = “https://xml.apache.org/xalan”> Foxman, B. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecologie, augustus 2015.

xmlns: xalan = “https://xml.apache.org/xalan”> Reuters: “Niet alle cranberrysupplementen voorkomen urineweginfecties”, 28 april 2016.

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